The Inari-Pasvik region is the area where the borders of Finland, Norway and Russia meet. In terms of nature protection the region is unique since a continuous area across the three national borders is protected. The lush valley of the Pasvik River stretches from Lake Inari towards the Barents Sea, and appears as a nerve of life in the wide, forested landscape.

Trilateral cooperation between nature protection authorities across the borders emerged already in the late 1980s. Since then many joint projects and annual meetings have been implemented successfully.
In 2008 Pasvik-Inari Trilateral Park cooperation was formalised with an trilateral cooperation agreement between Metsähallitus (FIN), Pasvik Zapovednik (RUS) and County Governor of Finnmark (NOR). The same year the Trilateral Park was also awarded the EUROPARC Federation Transboundary Parks...following nature's design - Certificate. The cooperation confirmed the same transboundary certificate in 2013.
Pasvik-Inari area is also actively taking part in the cooperation and development of Fennoscandian Green Belt initiative. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) - Green Belt of Fennoscandia was signed by the Barents Environmental Ministers in 2010.
Read more about the Fennoscandian Green Belt initiative (fungerer ikke)
Read more about European Green Belt initative